Hmmmm, bot / botter question
Hey everyone/anet (hopefully)
I was in Ascalon international 1 today and saw my good old friends "Afafhzbc F" "Raohofai G" and "Uofjznw H" and stared wondering... how do we report the ones that trade with these bots! There the ones we need to ban, not the bots, but the people that sit in the outposts to get stuff from there bots. The threee names i mention are in ascalon every 8 minutes or so coming from pre-searing to farm the -50 cesta quest. Standing right next to the quest giver is the guy that they were trading there loot too! And i wondered to myself... he's not a) botting b) has a bad name c) using bad language or d) leeching.
So.... yea.